ISO 22300:2021 pdf download

ISO 22300:2021 pdf download – Security and resilience — Vocabulary

ISO 22300:2021 pdf download – Security and resilience — Vocabulary.
3.1.6 alert part of public warning (3.1.197 ) that captures attention of first responders and people at risk (3.1.176) in a developing emergency (3.1.87 ) situation 3.1.7 all clear message or signal that the danger is over 3.1.8 all-hazards naturally occurring event (3.1.96), human induced event (both intentional and unintentional) and technology caused event with potential impact (3.1.118) on an organization (3.1.165), community (3.1.39) or society and the environment on which it depends 3.1.9 alternate worksite work location, other than the primary location, to be used when the primary location is not accessible 3.1.10 analysis area subject matter that has been selected to be peer reviewed (3.1.174) EXAMPLE Governance of risk management (3.1.224), assessment of risk, financial capacity, urban development, climate change adaptation and ecosystem protection, institutional capacity, community ( 3.1.39) and societal capacity, economic and business continuity (3.1.19), infrastructure (3.1.128), public health, recovering and rebuilding. 3.1.11 analysis system set of interconnecting parts that work together to form and deliver an analysis area (3.1.10) 3.1.12 area at risk location that could be affected by a disruptive event (3.1.76) (incident, accident, disaster) Note 1 to entry: The term is more relevant to preventative evacuations (3.1.92). 3.1.13 asset anything that has value to an organization (3.1.165) Note 1 to entry: Assets include but are not limited to human, physical, information (3.1.127), intangible and environmental resources (3.1.207 ).
3.1.15 auditor person who conducts an audit (3.1.14) [SOURCE: ISO 19011:2018, 3.15] 3.1.16 basic social services set of services delivered in education, health and social areas, as a means to fulfil basic needs 3.1.17 benefit measurable improvement resulting from the changes introduced as a result of a peer review (3.1.174) Note 1 to entry: Benefits can be tangible or intangible, quantifiable or non-quantifiable, and financial or non- financial. 3.1.18 biodiversity variability among living organisms from all sources including land, marine and other aquatic ecosystems (3.1.84) and the ecological complexes of which the organisms are part Note 1 to entry: This includes diversity within species, between species and of ecosystems. Biodiversity is thus not only the sum of all ecosystems, species and genetic material, but rather represents the variability within and among them. Note 2 to entry: Biodiversity can also be referred to as “biological diversity ”. 3.1.19 business continuity capability of an organization (3.1.165) to continue the delivery of products and services (3.1.192) within acceptable time frames at predefined capacity during a disruption (3.1.75) 3.1.20 business continuity management process (3.1.190) of implementing and maintaining business continuity (3.1.19) 3.1.21 business continuity management system BCMS part of the overall management system (3.1.146) that establishes, implements, operates, monitors, reviews (3.1.211), maintains and improves business continuity (3.1.19) Note 1 to entry: The management system includes organizational structure, policies, planning activities, responsibilities, procedures (3.1.189), processes ( 3.1.190) and resources (3.1.207 ).
3.1.33 client entity (3.1.91) that hires, has formerly hired, or intends to hire an organization (3.1.165) to perform security operations (3.1.249) on its behalf, including, as appropriate, where such an organization subcontracts (3.1.273) with another company or local forces EXAMPLE Consumer, contractor, end-user, retailer, beneficiary, purchaser. Note 1 to entry: A client can be internal (e.g. another division) or external to the organization. 3.1.34 colour blindness total or partial inability of a person to differentiate between certain hues (3.1.113) 3.1.35 colour-code set of colours used symbolically to represent particular meanings 3.1.36 command and control activities (3.1.2) of target-orientated decision-making, including assessing the situation, planning (3.1.180), implementing decisions and controlling the effects of implementation on the incident (3.1.122) Note 1 to entry: This process ( 3.1.190) is continuously repeated. 3.1.37 command and control system system that supports effective emergency management (3.1.88) of all available assets (3.1.13) in a preparation, incident response (3.1.126), continuity (3.1.50) and/or recovery (3.1.201) process (3.1.190)
3.1.48 contingency possible future event (3.1.96), condition or eventuality 3.1.49 continual improvement recurring activity (3.1.2) to enhance performance (3.1.177) Note 1 to entry: This constitutes one of the common terms and core definitions of the high level structure for ISO management system standards. 3.1.50 continuity strategic and tactical capability, pre-approved by management (3.1.144), of an organization (3.1.165) to plan for and respond to conditions, situations and events (3.1.96) in order to continue operations at an acceptable predefined level Note 1 to entry: Continuity is the more general term for operational and business continuity ( 3.1.19) to ensure an organization’s ability to continue operating outside of normal operating conditions. It applies not only to for- profit companies, but to organizations of all types, such as non-governmental, public interest and governmental.

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