ISO 36:2020 pdf download

ISO 36:2020 pdf download – Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Determination of adhesion to textile fabrics

ISO 36:2020 pdf download – Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Determination of adhesion to textile fabrics.
4 Principle The stripping force required to separate two plies of fabric bonded with rubber, or a rubber layer and a fabric ply bonded together, is measured under specified conditions using test pieces of standard dimensions in the form of a flat strip.
5 Apparatus 5.1 Test machine, power-driven and equipped with a suitable dynamometer; it shall be capable of maintaining a substantially constant rate of traverse of the moving head during the test and shall be linked to an autographic recorder or a computer with graphic capabilities for data acquisition and processing. A dynamometer without inertia (e.g. of the electronic or optical type) should preferably be used. The machine shall comply with the requirements of ISO 5893, be capable of measuring force with an accuracy corresponding to class 1 as defined in ISO 5893:2019, and have a rate of traverse of the moving grip of 50 mm/min ± 5 mm/min. The machine shall be fitted with grips capable of holding the test piece and the ply to be separated without slipping during the test. 5.2 Autographic recorder, with a scale sufficiently large to permit easy interpretation of the trace, or computer with graphic capabilities and software enabling it to be in accordance with the procedure for data processing described in ISO 6133.
6 Calibration The test apparatus shall be calibrated in accordance with the schedule given in Annex A.
10 Conditioning of test pieces and temperature of test Condition all test pieces in accordance with ISO 23529. If the preparation of test pieces involves buffing, the interval between buffing and testing shall be not less than 16 h and not greater than 72 h. For tests at a standard laboratory temperature (see ISO 23529), test pieces that do not require further preparation may be tested immediately, if cut from conditioned test samples. Where additional preparation is involved, a minimum conditioning period of 3 h at a standard laboratory temperature shall be allowed. For tests at temperatures other than a standard laboratory temperature, condition the test pieces at the temperature at which the test is to be conducted for a period sufficient to enable the test pieces to attain substantial equilibrium in accordance with ISO 23529.
11 Procedure Take the test piece as described in 7.1 or 7.2. For test pieces taken from a product, separate a ply of fabric or a rubber layer by hand for a distance of approximately 50 mm. The use of a scalpel or similar implement might be necessary to initiate the separation. Fix the separated ends of the test piece in the grips of the test machine (5.1) and adjust so that the tension is distributed uniformly and so that no twisting of the test piece will occur during the test. Place the body of the test piece in the non-driven grip and the ply to be separated in the power-driven grip so that the angle of separation is approximately 180°. It is important to ensure that the strips of test piece held in the grips lie in the same plane. Start the machine and continue the ply separation while recording on the chart recorder or in the memory of the computer (see 5.2) the force values over a length separation of at least 100 mm. The rate of travel of the power-driven grip shall be 50 mm/min ± 5 mm/min. Examine the separated pieces for separation or failure.
13 Test report The test report shall include the following information: a) sample details: 1) a full description of the sample and its origin, 2) the method of preparation of the test pieces from the sample, for example moulded or cut, 3) whether the test pieces were cut with their length in a plane parallel or perpendicular to the warp direction; b) a reference to the test method used, i.e. the number of this document (ISO 36:2020); c) test details: 1) the standard laboratory temperature used, 2) the time and temperature of conditioning prior to the test, 3) the temperature of test, if other than a standard laboratory temperature, and the relative humidity, if necessary, 4) the number of test pieces tested (if not three), 5) details of any procedures not specified in this document; d) test results: 1) the individual test results, 2) the median value of the individual results, 3) the method of calculation used, i.e. A, B, C, D or E (see 12.1), 4) the type of failure or separation (see 12.2); e) the date of the test.

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