ISO/TS 23541-1:2021 pdf download

ISO/TS 23541-1:2021 pdf download – Health informatics — Categorial structure for representation of 3D human body position system — Part 1: Bones

ISO/TS 23541-1:2021 pdf download – Health informatics — Categorial structure for representation of 3D human body position system — Part 1: Bones.
1 Scope This document describes the high-level concepts required for representation of 3D data in health information systems from a terminological perspective. It is intended to be used in analysing, developing and managing terminologies in HBPS. The use cases include clinical findings, disorders, problem lists and procedures. Topics considered in the scope of this document: — description of terminological concepts for representation of 3D data for human body; — establishing of the relationships needed for 3D data in terminological systems; — use cases. Topics considered outside the scope of this document: — 3D data structure, implementation and software functionality. 2 Normative references There are no normative references in this document. 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses: — ISO Online browsing platform: available at https://www.iso .org/obp — IEC Electropedia: available at http://www.electropedia .org/
3.1.2 3D data element unit of 3D data for which the definition, identification, representation, and permissible values are specified by means of a set of attributes Note 1 to entry: A 3D data element include vertex (a single point that has three-dimensional position and corner of a 3D model), edge (where two faces meet), face (surface of 3D model defined by vertices and edges) and polygon (straight-sided shapes, defined by vertices and edges). Note 2 to entry: See Figure 2 . 3.1.3 human anatomy study of structures in the human body and how the body parts are organized, physical substance of the human organism Note 1 to entry: Human anatomy is composed of living cells and extracellular materials and organized into tissues, organs and systems. 3.1.4 anatomical site formal representation of a sanctioned characteristic composed of the semantic link {HasAnatomicalSite} with an associative relation to the characterizing category including but not limited to <Anatomical structure> [SOURCE: ISO/TS 22789:2010, 3.2.1] 3.1.5 terminology structured, human and machine-readable representation of concepts 3.1.6 concept unit of knowledge created by a unique combination of characteristics [SOURCE: ISO 1087:2019, 3.2.7, modified — Notes to entry removed.] 3.1.7 clinical terminology terminology describing health conditions and healthcare activities
3.2.6 virtual clinical finding virtual medical entity (3.2.4) that constitutes a clinical finding Note 1 to entry: It includes diagnosis, symptom, nursing diagnosis. EXAMPLE Virtual Finding “L4 body osteomyelitis ” (see Figure 5 ). 3.2.7 virtual clinical intervention virtual medical entity (3.2.4) that constitutes clinical interventions or clinical activities that help treat or cure a condition EXAMPLE Virtual Intervention “L4 laminectomy, right ” (see Figure 6). 3.2.8 virtual observation virtual medical entity (3.2.4) that constitutes an observation or assessment of patient condition EXAMPLE Virtual Observation “Blood pressure measured at right upper arm ” (see Figure 7 ). 3.2.9 virtual object virtual medical entity (3.2.4) that constitutes an object in the human body that originates outside the body Note 1 to entry: Virtual objects can be found in human body by intervention, accident or operative procedure. EXAMPLE Virtual Object “hip implant device, right ” (see Figure 8 ) 3.2.10 descriptive entity text-based description of a virtual medical entity (3.2.4) Note 1 to entry: It provides description to a 3D model to form a virtual medical entity ( 3.2.4 ). It can be used as a pre-coordinated concept representation, i.e. predefined within a formal (concept representation) system, with an equivalent single unique concept identifier or post-coordinated, or as a post-coordinated concept representation, i.e. using more than one concept from one or many compositional systems, combined using mechanisms within or outside the compositional systems, with a 3D model ( 3.2.1).
3.2.13 text intervention descriptive entity (3.2.10) that constitutes clinical activity that intervenes with disease process Note 1 to entry: It includes conventional terminological categories that cover surgery, radiologic examination, procedures. — Open reduction (SCTID: 133860004) — Application of cast (SCTID: 118480003) — Fibula X-ray (SCTID: 241076001) — Examination of lower leg (SCTID: 284382009) — Pressure ulcer assessment (SCTID: 225393005) 3.2.14 text observation descriptive entity (3.2.10) that constitutes observation or assessment of patient condition — Non-Invasive arterial pressure (SCTID: 251076008) — Arm Length (SCTID: 249748003) — Cobb angle (SCTID: 285285000)

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