ISO 42500:2021 pdf download

ISO 42500:2021 pdf download – Sharing economy — General principles

ISO 42500:2021 pdf download – Sharing economy — General principles.
1 Scope This document provides general sharing economy principles. It is intended to be used by all types and sizes of organization (e.g. commercial enterprises, government agencies, not-for-profit organizations). 2 Normative references There are no normative references in this document. 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. ISO and IEC maintain terminology databases for use in standardization at the following addresses: — ISO Online browsing platform: available at https://www.iso .org/obp — IEC Electropedia: available at https://www.electropedia .org/
sharing economy
economic model where platforms () enable providers (3.4) and users (Th) to exchange products (36)
and assets (3d)
Note 1 to entry: In the sharing economy
a) platforms are neither providers nor users of the products and assets exchanged between providers and users,
b) exchanges between providers and users can take place both online and offline,
c) exchanges can be and are often intended to be “peer to peer” of underutilized resources, for free or for a fee,
d) platforms facilitate transactions between providers and users, such as payment processing, insurance procurement, reputational rating/review systems and complaints handling, and
e) providers can provide assets or access to assets.
Note 2 to entry: There are many different types of economic models. The sharing economy is one type of economic model
Note 3 to entry: See Annex-A-for a depiction of the sharing economy.
mechanisms that enable exchanges of products (3A) and assets (4-)
Note 1 to entry: A sharing economy platform can take a digital form.
Note 2 to entry: Platforms can be used for both sharing economy and conventional business to consumer e-commerce transactions (see Iso 10008).
Note 3 to entry: Platforms facilitate transactions between providers and users, such as payment processing, insurance procurement, reputational rating/review systems and complaints handling.
3.3 platform operator individual or entity that administers a platform (3.2) Note 1 to entry: In the sharing economy, the platform operator a) b) c) is neither a provider nor a user, can administer an online or an offline platform, and can engage in interactions with providers and users to support the exchange of products and assets between providers and users. 3.4 provider individual or organization that provides products and/or assets to users (3.5) using a platform (3.2) Note 1 to entry: In the sharing economy, a provider is not a platform operator. 3.5 user individual or organization that is a recipient of a provider ’s products ( 3.6 ) and assets (3.7 ) Note 1 to entry: In the sharing economy, a) b) “recipient ” includes a proxy of a recipient and a potential recipient. (e.g. individual or organization who browses on a platform.) a user could include a customer as defined in ISO 9000 and a consumer as defined in ISO/IEC Guide 76. 3.6 product good or service [SOURCE: ISO 14024:2018, 3.2] 3.7 asset item, thing or entity that has potential or actual value Note 1 to entry: There is a potential for overlap between the definitions of products and assets. [SOURCE: ISO 55000:2014, 3.2.1, modified —”to an organization” has been deleted, Notes to entry have been deleted, new Note 1 to entry has been added.] 4 Guiding principles 4.1 General All sharing economy actors shall conduct their activities in a trustworthy manner, in accordance with the following principles: a) integrity; b) transparency; c) accountability and authorization; d) accessibility and inclusion; e) f) respect for other affected interests; competence.
4.2 Integrity Decisions and activities in the sharing economy are conducted in a manner that promotes the attraction of platform operators, providers and users who are able and willing to interact in accordance with the other guiding principles. 4.3 Transparency Information and data in the sharing economy are findable, usable, relevant, timely, complete, clear, understandable, accurate and comprehensive to make informed decisions. 4.4 Accountability and authorization Decisions and activities in the sharing economy are undertaken in accordance with all applicable requirements consistent with the protections for users, providers and platforms. NOTE Decisions and activities can be subject to scrutiny by governing, regulatory or other authorities. 4.5 Accessibility and inclusion Products and assets in the sharing economy are widely available and provided fairly and without discrimination. 4.6 Respect for other affected interests Decisions and activities in the sharing economy are undertaken in a manner that respects other affected interests, including the need for protection of fair competition, the environment and health and safety of the workforce and the public. 4.7 Competence Those undertaking decisions and activities in the sharing economy have the capability to respond to the needs, interests and evolving expectations of others in the sharing economy and work on continual improvement.

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